9 de diciembre de 2005


Bueno, y una vez hablado con la gente del trabajo, (Laion fué el propulsor de mi dilema numeral(este chico tiene historia)) no he llegado todavía a la conclusión del porqué se creó esta canción, o lo que es lo mismo, ¿Que se había "fumao" El Puma cuando la redactó?.
Se cuestiona lo que ha supuesto para todos nosotros la numeración en nuestras vidas pero, ¿Porque?
Os animo a que la canteis...jajaja

Pavo real (EL PUMA)
Numeral, Numeral
Viva La Numeración
Quien Ha Visto Matrimonio
Sin Correr Amonestación
Pavo Real Uh, Pavo Real Uh
Pavo Real Uh, Pavo Real Uh
A Todos Los Que Me Escuchan
Aquí Les Vengo A Dejar
Un Corrío Venezolano
Que Se Llama Pavo Real
Y a Las Muchachas Les Digo
Que Aquí Me Quiero Casar
Y Ahora Mismo Les Ofrezco
Cuatro Casas Por Capital
La Prenatal, El Manicomio,
La Cárcel O El Hospital
Si no cumplo lo ofrecido
Nos podemos divorciar
Para eso existen las leyes
Que suelen todo arreglar
Y a usted mi joven le ofrezco
Una ganga en casamiento
Mi vecina la menor
Es más pura que un convento
Y por eso yo le advierto
No me la venga a tantear
No está gran demostración
Ni instrumento de tocar
Numeral, Numeral
Viva La Numeración
Quien Ha Visto Matrimonio
Sin Correr Amonestación
Chévere, Cun Chévere, Cun Chévere
Cun Chévere, Cun Chévere, Cun Chévere
Pavo Real Uh, Pavo Real Uh
Pavo Real Uh, Pavo Real Uh
A todo negro presente
yo le voy aconsejar,
que combine los colores
que la raza es natural.
Que un negro con una negra
es como noche sin luna,
y un blanco con una blanca
es como leche y espuma.
Todo negro pelo recio
con rubia se ha de casar,
Para que vengan los hijos
Con plumas de pavo real
Chévere, Cun Chévere, Cun Chévere
Cun Chévere, Cun Chévere, Cun Chévere.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Usually, a brand new website takes about six months to one
year to appear in the SERPs of Google, assuming the service provider is worth their salt.
Once the number of back links will increase, web traffic flow will enhance.
It would be optimum thought to select the local SEO
service after checking the rank of their website. This can be
a great tool when selling products online, as a website can be designed to offer either luxury
or bargain-oriented goods, based on traffic analysis.
NOW, I don't mean you should just put keyword spam in your footer. If the conversion is higher with a certain keyword or a particular set of keywords, then the SEO vendor can focus on the same keyword to get it ranked high in all the search engines. Identify your niche audience and be an active member on the forums and blogs. Having realized that it is practically not possible to combat with SEO Next in terms of services and offerings at this point of time, rivals have started thinking of an easier alternative of being successful in their mission. Google bowling messes up the external ranking used by Google and penalizes a sites ranking compared it the competitors. Over the years, web promotion has made a mark in the industry and has helped numerous entrepreneurs to build large business return through web. organic search, frequency of blog posts, frequency of on-page optimization, the relative importance of links, the use of social media, the best way to measure results, etc. However, in general, SEO services involve using standard and compliant coding. Their success is based on how many sales and customers you bring. You can find several internet marketing companies across the world. Learn from other people's mistakes and experiences rather than
destroying your own skills and wasting your time
on experiments. Originally posted at: digitalmoz. The World Wide Web is an incredible source of customers and potential revenue for all types of businesses and companies in all
niches. SEO is becoming the most rewarding career nowadays.
They are looking up the the keywords you did research on to find what they are looking for.
November 2012.

My weblog; wiki.owni.fr